I hope these 2 new objects and the update brings joy to your game, I wish you all a spooky Halloween! : D There are now an option named “Draw Spooky Stuff” that lets you create 1 of 6 spooky drawings.įor the crafting table, I added more swatches to the paper pumpkin from the crafting tableĪnd now you can craft “Mason Jar Pumpkin' I updated the toddler drawing pad and crafting table to have more Halloween themed items. Toddler with the scared moodlet will refuse to play with it again until the moodlet goes away.Ĭrafting Update(in early access until Oct 29th) They will either be happy to see the clown and have a positive reaction I recorded the music with garage band again and I had a lot of fun. This object can be used by both toddler sim and children sim. The clown in a box comes in 7 different swatches.
Sims of all ages will then be able to eat the candies Kids can then hit the pinata, they might do so autonomously.they will get this moodlet for hitting the pinataĪfter three rounds of hitting the pinata will break and drop candies every where.they will get this moodlet for breaking the pinata
The pinata and the stand are two separate parts: Pinata stand and Pinata, both objects can be found by searching “pinata” or “pandasama”. Piñata, Clown-in-a-Box + Toddler Crafting Update